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Distance Learning

Education Online

Will your program be delivered by distance education?

If your program or training will be delivered "at a distance," you will want to find out as much about the school and the coursework as possible. It is important that you find out if the school is accredited by a nationally recognized agency.

To find out if the school is operating legally, contact the state licensing agency using the Directory of Higher Education Officials.

Because distance education programs allow you to work in the convenience of your own home and at your own pace, it's important that you find out if this is the right learning style for you. Two helpful guides are: The Distance Learner's Guide published by the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications and the Federal Trade Commission's Guides for Private Vocational and Distance Education Schools.

  • Does the school offer job placement assistance?

    Many career colleges and technical schools provide job placement assistance as part of their service. If the school does offer job placement assistance, ask about the job placement rates (the percent of graduates placed in jobs) and compare the placement rates with those of other schools. Ask for information about recent graduates, and find out where they went to work.

    Whenever possible, ask former students about their experience at a school you are considering. Did the training they received prepare them for the job they wanted?

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