Find the Best Career for You
A first step in deciding what to do after high school is
to talk with your school counselor or a teacher for advice. Ask your
counselor about taking an aptitude test or interest inventory to find
your strengths, weaknesses, and interests to discover potential career
choices that are right for you.
- Learn about yourself.
Values�What is important to you?
Interests�What appeals to you?
Aptitude�What are you good at?
- Talk to people.
Once you�ve narrowed your career choices, talk to people who are working
in that field or, if possible, find a parttime job in that field.
It�s helpful to ask questions such as, �What�s good and bad about
this job?� �How did you learn your trade?� There are many sources
of career and job outlook information available�go to your school
library, public library, or school counselor.
- Consider how much training you will need for the career you�re
interested in.
-- High school diploma: cashier, receptionist, salesperson, security
guard, telephone operator, waiter/waitress
-- Special career training: auto technician, beautician, machinist,
medical technician, police officer, computer operator, commercial
-- College degree: accountant, counselor, engineer, nurse, pilot,
teacher, public relations specialist
-- Graduate degree: college professor, doctor, dentist, lawyer, veterinarian,
research scientist, architect
You can access a free self-assessment at
(click on �Preparing�).