Career Colleges and Technical Schools - Paying for Your Education
How much will you pay for the program or training?
Be sure to ask any career college or technical school about the total
price of the training or program you are interested in. Also, ask if
there are items not included in the total price that you would have
to buy in order to successfully complete the training or program. Does
the price cover books, supplies, and equipment, if needed?
Prices for similar programs can be quite different from one school
to another, so it's best to know ahead of time what it will cost you
to get a certificate, degree, or diploma. Ask about the price of the
program before any student aid, and then what it may cost if you get
student aid.
- Is financial assistance or student aid available?
An important question to ask a school you're interested in is whether
financial assistance or student aid will be available to you. In
particular, you might ask if the school participates in the federal
student financial aid programs administered by the Department of
Education. Also, ask if the Department of Veterans Affairs approves
it for veterans educational benefits and whether or not a student
is able to attend the school with funding from the Workforce Investment
For more information on student financial aid, see:
- The U.S. Department of Education's various financial aid publications:
Student Guide; Looking
for Student Aid; and Funding
Your Education.
- The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
(NASFAA) Web site provides students with information on planning
for college and advice about finding and applying for financial
- The U.S. Department of Education's Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA), the fastest way
to apply on-line for student financial aid.
- FinAid!
The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid for an online
calculator to determine student aid needed.
- The U.S. Department of Education's Rehabilitation
Services Administration for grants and funding for individuals
with disabilities.
- Will you have to sign an enrollment contract?
If you make a decision to attend a career college or technical
school, you will probably need to sign an enrollment contract. The
contract will probably say that the school agrees to provide the
program of instruction and other services outlined in the catalog
and, in return, you agree to pay a certain sum of money and abide
by the rules and regulations of the school.
Read the contract carefully and remember that the contract is a
legally binding document between you and the school. Ask someone
whose experience and advice you trust to review it with you. Make
sure the contract specifically explains:
- How much the program will cost you;
- How long the program will last; and
- The school's refund policy.
Don't sign a contract that has blanks in it. Read the entire document
thoroughly before you sign, and do not sign unless you understand
it. Once you have signed the agreement, be sure to keep a copy for
your records.